Blog Post Session 5



Level and Sound effects Designer.

Intention (SMART Goal)

By May 10th, as part of team 2 session 5, I will add sound effects to our game by following this tutorial.


Leader(s) in the Field / Exemplary Work(s)

William Pellen is the co-creator of Hollow Knight. He did the coding and game design of Hollow Knight. I’m using him as a leader in the field because of how he made the game design in hollow knight so fun. It feels good to play, and I think that is the most important part of a game, especially for me, since I’m doing level design (alongside sound design), and levels need to be fun to play.

Training Source(s)

(1:14) Audio source adds audio when it is put on an object

(1:38) Drag audio into the audio source to play that sound

(5:49) This is the code to make an audio manager, which can locate the specific sound you want to use, making keeping track of audio much easier.

(8:35) Audio sources get added for every sound in the array.

(10:29) How to add audio with only a single line of code after making the audio manager

Project Timeline

  1. Implement boss by April 15th.
  2. Have cutscenes finished by May 6th

Proposed Budget


The (FILM, SOUND, or GAME Creation)

Team 2 Itch Page

Skills Commentary

In this session, I implemented the music that Seth created into our game, making them play at certain points.


21st Century Skills

Ways of Thinking (Creativity, Innovation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving)

I was able to create my own sounds, and learn how to implement them into the game. Once I finish all the sound effects for our game, I will place them all into the game, and make them play at certain points.

Ways of Working (Communication & Collaboration)

I found BeepBox, the sound creator I’m using, by asking people about what good music and sound creators are. Once I found one that I liked, I ended up using it.

Tools for Working (Info & Media Literacy)

I used videos that showed old retro sounds, along with tutorials on how to make good 8 bit sound effects to design my own.

Ways of Living in the World (Life & Career)

I learned sound design, which makes it so that I can be very adaptable with my skills. Now I know how to do effective level design, coding, and sound design.

Reactions to the Final Version

I remember the specific suggestions and reactions, but not the people who suggested them. Here are the ones I remember:

  1. The dash is glitched

2. Spikes and lava are too big

3. The melee attack can hit people twice, due to a bug.

4. Health can go above the maximum limit of 12.

Self-Evaluation of Final Version

I think the game is looking very good right now. However, it’s not much better than the last verison. That’s mainly because most of the stuff that we did has not been implimented yet. I made sound effects, but I haven’t put them in yet. John worked on the boss, which also hasn’t been finished yet. So, we didn’t get a lot of visible progress, but are work this month will really show up next month, when it is all implimented and works.

What I Learned and Problems I Solved

I learned basic sound design, how to use BeepBox, and how to impliment sounds in Unity. I added the muisc that Seth put into the game, and I was able to figure out how to make it loop, by using simple coding that detects how long a song plays to make sure it doesn’t do it incorrectly.

Grammar and Spelling

My editor


John Zickuhr

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